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Mahalia | The Great Escape Top 10

Mahalia was one of the first artists to perform over The Great Escape weekend, packing out Brighton’s renowned Coalition venue right on the beach. She marks the start of the new wave of RnB-pop fusion music.

Her performance comprised of a mixture of melodic tunes, spoken word, and upbeat dance vibes, keeping the audience alert and always keen to see what she may have planned next. She also showed off her multi-instrumentalist skills, where when she wasn’t playfully dancing around the whole stage, playing the synths whilst singing.  

The seamless incorporation of spoken word in her set was a stand out moment over the whole festival. It was a bold move for a contemporary artist to take, but the risk paid off. It gave her otherwise fun party style set an additional dimension of intimacy, and allowed the audience to realise Mahalia’s emotiveness beneath the beats and RnB dance tunes that otherwise identify her.

There has been a solid buzz around the name Mahalia for the last couple of years, and it’s clear that she is set to launch in to the forefront of the commercial music industry any day now.